Monday, January 28, 2008

A tight swaddle is a good swaddle...

We have started putting Aidan to bed in his crib, in his own room, every night now. He sleeps *so* much better, and so do we! Not listening to every rustle and sigh benefits all of us, really - he is waking up to eat twice per night, between 10pm and 9am, so we think it is a pretty good schedule for a little guy who isn't even 3 weeks old yet!

The key to a good sleep, which we found out when Ava was a baby too - the swaddle! The idea behind it is that babies are snuggled very tightly in the womb, so they are used to it. Aidan instantly calms when we swaddle him tightly. The key I have found - the Halo SleepSack Swaddle wearable blanket! It comes with a stretchy wrap with velcro on the end, to wrap him like a little burrito, and it is snug!!

The only problem - the cream color I got makes it look oh-so-slightly like a straightjacket!! Here is Aidan doing his best psychiatric ward pose...

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