Friday, June 13, 2008

5 months old

Wow - time is flying by! How did Aidan get to be 5 months already - didn't I just go back to work, and start buying 3-6 month onesies? Nope... I guess not. I just can't keep up!

Aidan is such a great baby, we are so blessed to have such a sweet little guy in our family. He is so happy, and watching him reach all these milestones just melts my heart every time. He is rolling over both ways now, though the rolling from tummy to back needs quite a bit more practice. He is eating all sorts of fruits and veggies, and loves almost all of them, except he is a little slow to warm up to the green beans. He also had his first bites of homemade mashed potatoes the other day (loved it!) and homemade whipped cream (hated it!).

His 6-9 month onesies and 6 month size summer clothes are all getting snug... looks like we will me making a 2nd round of shopping for more summer clothes since it is still only June, and we have a long stretch of hot weather ahead of us.


Anonymous said...

Happy 5 mo cutie.


bev said...

Happy 5 months handsome!

Anonymous said...

oh Karin, he is SO cute!!!