Friday, July 13, 2007

Exactly Two Years Ago....

Our lives changed forever. Wednesday, July 13, 2005 at 8:08 in the morning, Ava Riley Whetzel made her appearance into this world, after an eventful evening at the Community Hospital North labor & delivery unit. Karin was admitted the night before to be induced, and not a moment too soon - considering she was a week overdue!

2 days later, we were sent home. Like a baby bird being shooed out of the nest, we left the hospital and were on our way to the fairytale beginning that is life with a new baby. Or so we thought! And here we are, two years later. The rollercoaster that is life with a newborn finally let us off the ride, only to discover that life with a toddler is just a whole new obstacle course! It is amazing to look back and see how tiny Ava used to be, considering she is now in a world where she wants to do everything herself, and she has the vocabulary to tell us so as well!

Happy Birthday, our beautiful girl!

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