Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Aidan's 2-month checkup

He weighed in at 11lbs, 8 oz, which put him in the 40th percentile for weight. He was 22 1/2 inches long, which put him in the 28th percentile for length, and his head was 39.5 cm - 33rd percentile. He is growing beautifully, especially considering he was 2 weeks early and was a little on the small side at birth!

He had to get 5 vaccinations... no fun! He got 4 shots and the oral rotavirus vaccine, which he gobbled up! He cried his eyes out after the shots (can you blame him!?) but he calmed down quickly and came home to take a nap. He got a clean bill of health, and hopefully we won't be in the dr's office again until his next checkup at 4 months.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great appt. I can't believe he is 2 mo already. Man how the time goes by. Glad he did well with the shots. Peyton usually gets pretty fussy after his, but after a day or two he is back to his old self.


Stephanie said...

I'm seriously blown away with how fast this little boy is growing up. I need updated pictures though. It's been far to long my dear. I'm use to a daily dose you know.