Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pass the peas, please!

We've started a whole new phase in this babyhood thing.... welcome to the world of solid foods! We decided to start a little earlier than the recommended 4 months of age, just because we'd sit Aidan in his seat on the kitchen table during our meals together as a family, and he would watch in amazement (or jealousy, maybe!) as we ate, and would even start to move his mouth, making eating motions! It was so funny to watch, we thought maybe he was ready to be an active participant at the dinner table, so we decided to give it a try.

We started with a little cereal, but anyone who's ever had kids knows how bland and boring that is, so we've moved on to veggies and fruits. This is a nightly scene at the Whetzel house - Aidan covered in whatever was on the menu for the night! But he LOVES it - he opens up big for the spoon, and sometimes he'll just gulp it down and want more immediately, other times he'll smile his big gummy grin, and whatever he's eating will dribble down his chin. Either way, he's loving it!

So far his favorites seem to be bananas and sweet potatoes. But on the night these were taken, the theme was peas.... everywhere. He has a habit of sucking on his fingers and fists (teething is our guess right now), even in the middle of the meal. So this means, peas everywhere! Our laundry, and our diaper changes have gotten a bit more interesting lately, but he's happy and growing, so we must be doing something right!


Anonymous said...

Ha ha what a messy boy. Peyton is the same way. I think more gets on his face then in his mouth sometimes.LOL


bev said...

I would agree, you're doing it right! He's so cute I could just eat him up! Minus the peas or bananas lol.