Sunday, May 4, 2008

Who is this growing boy?

And what happened to my baby?! Aidan has grown so much, he has definitely left the wrinkly newborn stages behind and is learning new things almost every day. We are working with him to try and sit on his own... he is making slow progress, but he has great head control so hopefully he'll be able to sit unassisted soon. He still hates the tummy time, but I think most kids do at this age! And we've started a few solids - he loves bananas and sweet potatoes so far. He sits with us in his Bumbo seat at mealtimes and sometimes he'll take just a few bites, other times he'll devour whatever I have in his little bowl for him. Oh, and we're moving up to size 3 diapers. Size 3... really? I don't think Ava wore size 3's until she was 9 months old!


bev said...

Awwww! He's gorgeous! I can't believe how fast he's growing Karin!

Anonymous said...

OMG how handsome is he. You make beautiful children Karin. I can't believe how fast these little ones grow up. It is fun to watch them grow and learn new things everyday. I just can't get over that dimple in his chin. I just want to kiss those chubby cheeks.


Jenn said...

Karin he is just too adorable!! Oh my goodness, what a cutie pie!!